Pressure on waste infrastructure continues to swell in the wake of China’s ban on foreign waste, further exacerbated by New South Wales’ waste being transported to Queensland in an effort to avoid levies.

China’s ban on importations of 24 types of waste has had far-reaching effects in the waste industry. Now that many types of recyclable waste can no longer be exported to China, where is Australia’s recycling going?

In many areas near Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane (and large regional centres), there are recycling yards or Materials Recovery Facilities that are seemingly more like storage depots for endless piles of rubbish. However, with the value of recyclable products such as paper, plastics, and glass falling to almost zero, how can you blame the recycling companies for not recycling? Having said that, I can only guess at the ongoing storage costs…

Transporting Waste From NSW to QLD

The issue of transporting of waste from NSW to Queensland continues to gain media and community attention with Queensland landfills accommodating more waste than ever before. It is often lost in the media reports, however, the transporting of waste and recyclable material is perfectly legal. People say that interstate practice should be stopped. However, are the same people saying that other commodities should not be placed on a B-double vehicle and transferred across the state border?

After a short analysis, it comes as no surprise that a waste company has lodged a development application for a new construction and demolition landfill in the Ipswich area with the proponent indicating that they will take waste from New South Wales. It will certainly be an interesting time for the recycling and waste industry in the coming six to twelve months.

We Can Help To Find Waste Management Solutions For Businesses

Harbak can help your business to find cost sensitive, environmentally compliant solutions to waste management issues. With a wealth of experience in the waste management industry, Harbak has a history in advising local councils and many other clients in a variety of industries on how to best manage their waste.

We search the marketplace for waste disposal and recycling options that take into account transport logistics and legal and environmental regulations. Harbak has achieved waste solutions in the past through waste management workshops, where risks are identified and mitigated and find the best outcome for our clients.

Keiran Travers is the Founder and Director of Harbak. Our company offers comprehensive services to the waste, recycling, and circular economy sectors. Rely on our market research and expert guidance to propel waste companies and local governments forward. Streamline your infrastructure strategy and procurement management with Harbak’s specialized expertise. Discover untapped revenue opportunities and foster key industry relationships. Get in touch with Harbak to unlock your business potential.